Burnside Canoe Polo Club is the premier canoe polo club in Christchurch, New Zealand. Our focus is promoting and encouraging all aspects of canoe polo to our members.
This description of canoe polo was written for the 2017 world games, but clearly represents our sport as a whole –
"In a flurry of foam and paddles, the ten canoe polo players outfitted in face guards, helmets and body armour look like aquatic gladiators. But the hard-hitting action of canoe polo justifies every piece of protective gear they wear. From the very first whistle, the two teams of five fight over possession of the ball, no player being allowed to keep it for more than five seconds before passing to a team mate using his or her hands or paddle....or before scoring a goal. Tackling a ball holding player - including their high-tech kayak is also permitted!"

Zane Shadbolt

Truus Adams
Mike Carter

Emma Taylor
Committee Member

Reuben Brown
Diversity Officer
Kaitlyn Adams
Youth Representative

Brad Taylor
Gear Officer

Jessica Azevedo-Leader
MCPA Representative
Richard Giddings
Committee Member